Total population
Literacy rate
Smart phone use frequency
Majority of Residents
3. Majority of residents
Smart phone primary users
Mobile broadband coverage
Variable strength/Average
3. variable strength /average
Mobile internet use frequency
3. Majority
Mobile internet primary users
Main purpose(s) of internet use by village residents (at least once a month)
Usage of social media on Whatsapp, mainstram social media platform, and Youtube, some agriculture related mobile applications and searching for agriculture specific information pertaining to the selling of livestock and purchase of agri-inputs
Main social medial tools (or platforms) used by village residents
Whatsapp, mainstram social media platform,Youtube
Social media platforms use for marketing, commercial, data exchange or other services or types of activities (what, by whom and frequency)
Main livelihood occupations (crop types, fish, livestock, agrifood, etc.) practiced by village residents
Main farming activities
Farmer (cotton, wheat and sugarcane cultivation)
Main agri food activities
Other livelihood activities (outside farming)
Industrial workers
Digital solutions available (or used) in Village (or by local residents)
Hyper localized weather station
Featured Digital Solution
Hyper localized weather station
Name of Lead Developer/supplier (and partners)
multi-partner: Government Extension Department Punjab and FACE Centre
Lead developer category
Delivery type
Mobile app
Localized weather station
Primary users
Number of users/subscribers (at village/local area level)
Development stage category and description
Testing/pilot/proof of concept stage
Testing/pilot/proof of concept stage
Digital category
Digital Agriculture
Indicate if the highlighted "top digital solution" is linked to (or part of) government, private, or multi-partner initiative, project or programme
Government: Extension Department Punjab
Main issues, needs, or priorities faced (or expressed) by villagers in accessing, and/or using digital solutions, services, or innovations (examples: reliability/strength/slow internet connection; access through local language; lack of adatpation to needs; urgently needed services not available, accessible, affordable, etc....)
Further trainings needed for farmers to create awareness and teach them how to access and use the data through their smartphones
Other relevant information, data, statistics, links, application history etc.
More than fifty male and female farmers have so far been trained on how to use the smartphone application to access the data and features described above