Total population
Literacy rate
Smart phone use frequency
Majority of Residents
3. Majority of residents
Smart phone primary users
Mobile broadband coverage
4. Strong
Mobile internet use frequency
3. Majority
Mobile internet primary users
Main purpose(s) of internet use by village residents (at least once a month)
Main social medial tools (or platforms) used by village residents
Social media platforms use for marketing, commercial, data exchange or other services or types of activities (what, by whom and frequency)
Main livelihood occupations (crop types, fish, livestock, agrifood, etc.) practiced by village residents
Main farming activities
Livestock, meat
Main agri food activities
Other livelihood activities (outside farming)
Digital solutions available (or used) in Village (or by local residents)
Blockchain Based Certification and Meat Factory Operating System
Featured Digital Solution
Blockchain Based Certification and Meat Factory Operating System
Name of Lead Developer/supplier (and partners)
General Agency for Veterinary Services (GAVS), FAO Mongolia and European Delegation
Lead developer category
Delivery type
Blockchain based certification for meat traceability
Primary users
Farmers (livestock)
Number of users/subscribers (at village/local area level)
Development stage category and description
Commercial stage (widespread use nationally)
Commercial stage (widespread use nationally)
Digital category
Digital Agrifood Services
Indicate if the highlighted "top digital solution" is linked to (or part of) government, private, or multi-partner initiative, project or programme
Government and FAO initiative
Main issues, needs, or priorities faced (or expressed) by villagers in accessing, and/or using digital solutions, services, or innovations (examples: reliability/strength/slow internet connection; access through local language; lack of adatpation to needs; urgently needed services not available, accessible, affordable, etc....)
Other relevant information, data, statistics, links, application history etc.
The use of blockchain in meat traceability increases trust, security, transparency, and the traceability of data shared across a business network. Storing animal health information in the blockchain network makes it impossible to modify, replace or delete animal traceability and animal health information, rendering traceability information more reliable and accurate at end-user level. It is expected that agricultural product information will also be stored on this network in the future.