Village 9

country Thailand

Total population

8,003 (for the Ban Mai SubDistrict which has 11 villages)

Literacy rate

Smart phone use frequency

Majority of Residents

3. Majority of residents

Smart phone primary users

Entrpreneurs, traders, youth, farmers, household residents

Mobile broadband coverage


4. Strong

Mobile internet use frequency


3. Majority

Mobile internet primary users

Entrpreneurs, traders, youth, farmers, household residents

Main purpose(s) of internet use by village residents (at least once a month)

Residents use mobile phones for emails, social media usage, checking market prices, weather forecasts and accessing a variety of government services as well as making online payments to businesses and service providers.

Main social medial tools (or platforms) used by village residents

LINE, and mainstream social media platforms

Social media platforms use for marketing, commercial, data exchange or other services or types of activities (what, by whom and frequency)

Main livelihood occupations (crop types, fish, livestock, agrifood, etc.) practiced by village residents

Main farming activities

Farmer (rice, vegetables, fruit and flower gardening)

Main agri food activities


Other livelihood activities (outside farming)

Digital solutions available (or used) in Village (or by local residents)

Smart rice farming through drones

Featured Digital Solution


Smart rice farming through drones

Name of Lead Developer/supplier (and partners)

Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA) of Thailand

Lead developer category

Government agency

Government agency

Delivery type

Smart drones

Primary users

Farmers (rice)

Number of users/subscribers (at village/local area level)

Development stage category and description

Testing/pilot/proof of concept stage

Testing/pilot/proof of concept stage

Digital category

Digital Agriculture

Indicate if the highlighted "top digital solution" is linked to (or part of) government, private, or multi-partner initiative, project or programme

Government initiative: The Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA)

Main issues, needs, or priorities faced (or expressed) by villagers in accessing, and/or using digital solutions, services, or innovations (examples: reliability/strength/slow internet connection; access through local language; lack of adatpation to needs; urgently needed services not available, accessible, affordable, etc....)

Lack of knowledge, literacy and awareness on how to operate drones

Other relevant information, data, statistics, links, application history etc.

This particular village has a robust digital infrastructure, however, a lack of ‘drone drivers’ is affecting uptake for which trainings on how to drive the drone are required. In addition, more business models that allow farmers to own the device need to be developed and tested.

On-line resource links

Main DV webpage

Link to Digital solutions

Link to Digital initiatives